OER Synthesis and Evaluation / HEFCE-Review-Specific-Recommendations


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Working with publishers

PublishOER recommended:


  1.  Implement and disseminate policy principles for use of third party published works in OER
  2.  Undertake tests of embedding third party works in collaboration with publishers to include a wider range of disciplines and formats
  3. Exemplars are developed to illustrate embedding published works in OER
  4. Publishers review sales of existing works with a view to identifying any with low volume sales but that were still academically current (infrequent in some disciplines such as health and computing) that could be used as a basis for testing with OER
  5. Publishers consider including unique identification of elements of published works (anticipating a scan-and-use future), such as QR codes for interfacing with APIs
  6. Authors consider making parts or sections of their creative works permanently available as OER
  7. Publishers consider addressing the potential use of works in OER with authors at the time of contracting book content (licence it at the point of commissioning)
  8. Permissions-request technologies are piloted with available published content, such as current open access journal content, and broadened to include subjects other than veterinary medicine
  9. That the JISC Collections CASPER and RePRODUCE tools are updated to include the policy findings (JISC Collections 2010a; 2010b)
  10. Consider the use of MOOCs or (tiny)OOCs with, for example, widening participation, to explore shared (HE-publisher) provision for new audiences
  11. A combination of the RightsLink CCC (discussed in WP5: Policy, licences and procedures on page 21 above) and Clinical Key/ExpertConsult could be a way forward for Elsevier to develop a permissions system to lower transaction costs, but they would still have the burden of adding metadata about the licence terms of elements of a published work
  12. Continue to work closely HE with publishers to increase the contact with end users thus further strengthen relationships between HE and private sector
  13. The publishers networks (such as the STM, PSP and Publishers Associations); JISC ‘PALS’ and other organisations such as LACA (2012) should be approached with a view to widening participation in the pilot/demonstrator work
  14. The CLA should be consulted about embedding published works in OER as part of the dissemination activities


UK OER beyond UK HE 

  1. Mechanisms should be sought to widen the scope and scale of OER development and (re)use to a greater range of agencies from the private, public and charity sectors.
  2. The reputational benefits of OER release, as proven in UK HE, should be promoted to other organisations in the private, public and charity sectors with potentially valuable educational materials.
  3. Agencies that operate outside of HE should be encouraged to be strategic in their choice of existing content for OER release – either that which promotes the brand core business of the organisation; or that which may be of direct relevance to academia (and in some instances may even be rarely used by corporate clients and customers).



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