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by Lou McGill 11 years, 7 months ago
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Working with publishers
PublishOER recommended:
- Implement and disseminate policy principles for use of third party published works in OER
- Undertake tests of embedding third party works in collaboration with publishers to include a wider range of disciplines and formats
- Exemplars are developed to illustrate embedding published works in OER
- Publishers review sales of existing works with a view to identifying any with low volume sales but that were still academically current (infrequent in some disciplines such as health and computing) that could be used as a basis for testing with OER
- Publishers consider including unique identification of elements of published works (anticipating a scan-and-use future), such as QR codes for interfacing with APIs
- Authors consider making parts or sections of their creative works permanently available as OER
- Publishers consider addressing the potential use of works in OER with authors at the time of contracting book content (licence it at the point of commissioning)
- Permissions-request technologies are piloted with available published content, such as current open access journal content, and broadened to include subjects other than veterinary medicine
- That the JISC Collections CASPER and RePRODUCE tools are updated to include the policy findings (JISC Collections 2010a; 2010b)
- Consider the use of MOOCs or (tiny)OOCs with, for example, widening participation, to explore shared (HE-publisher) provision for new audiences
- A combination of the RightsLink CCC (discussed in WP5: Policy, licences and procedures on page 21 above) and Clinical Key/ExpertConsult could be a way forward for Elsevier to develop a permissions system to lower transaction costs, but they would still have the burden of adding metadata about the licence terms of elements of a published work
- Continue to work closely HE with publishers to increase the contact with end users thus further strengthen relationships between HE and private sector
- The publishers networks (such as the STM, PSP and Publishers Associations); JISC ‘PALS’ and other organisations such as LACA (2012) should be approached with a view to widening participation in the pilot/demonstrator work
- The CLA should be consulted about embedding published works in OER as part of the dissemination activities
UK OER beyond UK HE
- Mechanisms should be sought to widen the scope and scale of OER development and (re)use to a greater range of agencies from the private, public and charity sectors.
- The reputational benefits of OER release, as proven in UK HE, should be promoted to other organisations in the private, public and charity sectors with potentially valuable educational materials.
- Agencies that operate outside of HE should be encouraged to be strategic in their choice of existing content for OER release – either that which promotes the brand core business of the organisation; or that which may be of direct relevance to academia (and in some instances may even be rarely used by corporate clients and customers).
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