
Evidence - Impact and benefits (students)

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Impacts & benefits - benefits, and appreciation of benefits by stakeholders, institutions, students


Themes strand

CORE-SET (CORE-SET final report) | ReACTOR (ReACTOR Final report) |  Opening up a future in business (Future in business Final Report)COMC (COMC Final report) | PARIS (PARIS Final Project Report)  HALS OER (HALS OER Final Project Report)PublishOER (PublishOER final report) | Great Writers (Great Writers Final Report)|  ALTO UK (ALTO UK Final Report)  | ORBIT (ORBIT Final Report) | DEFT (DEFT Final Report)    | FAVOR (FAVOR Final Report) | SESAME (SESAME Final Report) |


OMAC strand

BLOCKeD (BLOCKeD Final Report) |   Digital Literacy and Creativity (Digital Literacy and Creativity Final Report | Academic Practice in Context (Academic Practice in Context Final report) | Teeside Open Learning Units (Teeside Open Learning Units Final Report)


What has been the impact of OER development and release on the student experience?

“They were by far the most active members and took a lot of careful thought about the materials … Will be beneficial for them, good on their CV to be chosen for that role and they have written for a wide community” Academic Lead
“They get things done in quicker time than asking someone else, and with enthusiasm … When piloting the site with school children they have been much better than most academics at facilitating feedback; they’re less intimidating, not so far away in age, more approachable” Academic Lead  (Great Writers Final Report)

“I’m aware that universities want people to get into public engagement activities and impact assessments. Hope it will help my CV” Student Ambassador
What was most rewarding? “creating something I can show my colleagues and future employers … Academia is often working on things for months and publish where it is not generally read, but this is much more in the public domain; a key concern when you are thinking of future jobs” Student Ambassador
At the time of writing, three of the Student Ambassadors were continuing with their courses at Oxford and offering continued support for the project, and the rest had completed their studies. Of these, two were looking to study further elsewhere (e.g. a creative writing course) and the others were seeking employment (as a lecturer, engagement work, or performance/theatre work). (Great Writers Final Report)

“Material we are engaged with is made available to the public who otherwise would not have access … general lack of awareness of the uses of research, this can help academia to get its message across”
“Great to be able to use something online which would otherwise be obscure. I’ve been using other [OER] sites”
“[I] will use in summer schools. I’m also on the Developing Learning and Teaching Course and can use these in my portfolio for the course”
“I’d like to teach and would use the materials. Ebooks are especially helpful”
One Student Ambassador has already reused Great Writers Inspire as part of her summer school teaching. (Great Writers Final Report)

“It’s like falling down Alice’s rabbit hole, but into a world that makes total sense- a world that allows for exploration of strangely specific topics, and most importantly, a world that caters to all learning types. The variety of types of material means that there’s a point of access no matter what your core sense. This material is just out there, waiting to be explored, to be incorporated into the classroom, waiting to prompt ideas and discussions and whirlwinds of more clicking.” Student Ambassador (Great Writers Final Report)

This internship has given me a tremendous amount of knowledge about multiple different fields within the roles and responsibilities of running a design studio. During my time working with the team my role changed and grew bigger; along with my responsibilities; it was then that I gained insight into the true working nature of the studio and its many roles. Overall my time a REaCTOR has allowed me to gain experience that could help with job prospects in the future. (Business Management Student Intern)

Working with the REaCTOR Project gave me valuable insight into the design industry by allowing me to experience ‘real world’ practises in a professional environment. I was able to gain and partake in a variety of experience; such as disseminating project information and giving presentations, as my role expanded and changed during my time with the team. (Design Student Intern) (ReACTOR Final report) 

“It could be very useful in language teaching to put resources online so students can better judge the level of a class; to provide continuity between classes; and to make collaborative teaching and student transition easier.” (Tutor participating in final focus group)
“It made me look for online resources specifically suitable for recommending to students, rather than just using resources in the preparation of lectures. In recent years, I had always included some relevant websites along with reading lists given out in class, but this project has made me focus more on specific learning objectives that can be followed through web links.” (Tutor commenting in final tutor survey) SESAME Final Report)

Students struggle to distinguish between online learning per se and open educational resources

Students have few problems with the technology behind OERs

Students would make more use of third party OER content if their tutors drew their attention to it.

Students like the idea of Nottingham sharing via OERs.
Students identify strongly with Nottingham and like to feel part of Nottingham initiatives (PARiS Final Report)