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See also

Evidence - Institutional processes

Evidence - Legal Issues



Processes for sustainability



Themes strand

CORE-SET (CORE-SET final report) | ReACTOR (ReACTOR Final report) |  Opening up a future in business (Future in business Final Report)COMC (COMC Final report) | PARIS (PARIS Final Project Report)  HALS OER (HALS OER Final Project Report)PublishOER (PublishOER final report) | Great Writers (Great Writers Final Report)|  ALTO UK (ALTO UK Final Report)  | ORBIT (ORBIT Final Report) | DEFT (DEFT Final Report)    | FAVOR (FAVOR Final Report) | SESAME (SESAME Final Report) |


OMAC strand

BLOCKeD (BLOCKeD Final Report) |   Digital Literacy and Creativity (Digital Literacy and Creativity Final Report | Academic Practice in Context (Academic Practice in Context Final report) | Teeside Open Learning Units (Teeside Open Learning Units Final Report)


How have you, and your partners/collaborators, integrated OER sustainably into curriculum processes?



How have your institution and collaborating organisations ensured embedding and sustainability of open practices?

“The recognition of what happens thru a centre is useful but need to convince management you are going to grow. It needs people who have got time and effort to evangelise. Ultimately people stick with what they know”.
“Need to push the message in the long run that it is more efficient. In the short run there is a lot of effort and it is only when the things have run from a number of years you reap the benefit”. (HALSOER Final report)


What has been the effect on sustainability of involving students in the OER development, release and re-use lifecycle?


What issues have you found over curation of OER collections when working across institutional or sector boundaries and how have you addressed these?


Commercial Publishers


How have you have identified and attempted to meet the priorities of your sector?