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see also


Evidence - Discovery ReUse and Accessibility

Evidence - Collections and subject disciplines

Evidence - Technical/hosting issues

Evidence - OER being adopted and used


Releasing and using OERs

OER Release/ Publishing models

 different OER publishing models, the role of collaborations


Themes strand

CORE-SET (CORE-SET final report) | ReACTOR (ReACTOR Final report) |  Opening up a future in business (Future in business Final Report)COMC (COMC Final report) | PARIS (PARIS Final Project Report)  HALS OER (HALS OER Final Project Report)PublishOER (PublishOER final report) | Great Writers (Great Writers Final Report)|  ALTO UK (ALTO UK Final Report)  | ORBIT (ORBIT Final Report) | DEFT (DEFT Final Report)    | FAVOR (FAVOR Final Report) | SESAME (SESAME Final Report) |


OMAC strand

BLOCKeD (BLOCKeD Final Report) |   Digital Literacy and Creativity (Digital Literacy and Creativity Final Report | Academic Practice in Context (Academic Practice in Context Final report) | Teeside Open Learning Units (Teeside Open Learning Units Final Report)



In what ways have collaborations with partners in the same or other sectors (including commercial publishers) supported the development, collection and release of OERs?


OER release/publishing models

Through what means (eg. platform, format, interface) have you made OER available to your stakeholder group?



The COMC project did not release OER in a conventional sense - their open content is part of an open course and reuslting materials from staff and student activities.



































The schedule also identifies focused practical/technical specialist skills sessions, which are of course delivered Face-to-Face, but which also often have permanently recorded version in the form of the activity brief, audio, or video recordings.