OER Synthesis and Evaluation / ukoer3-student-engagement


Page history last edited by Lou McGill 11 years, 10 months ago

Page in development


Student   engagement and involvement 

UKOER 3 projects worked with students in a number of very interesting ways. Pilot and phase 2 projects also did some excellent work in involving students

Pilot Phase Approaches to OER Release and Phase2 Development and Release Issues.


There are three key areas of activity where projects have involved students:

Students as producers of OERs


  • anticipating 35 case studies from pt time students at Shefield Hallam - work-based learning for Networked Rail Ltd.
  • anticipating 25 case-studies from full-time students working with Engineers Without Borders.




  • Students participating in the class have been so much inspired by the experience of the module and the extension that the Open Class approach has encouraged, that they decided to independently organise their own exhibition.  (Picbod - Picturing the Body class) content included picbod website, podcast series, lecture notes, workshop notes, tasks community platforms (twitter, facebook, flicker, podbean and vimeo)
  • Creative activitsm class - Content Created including the website, podcast series, lecture notes, workshop notes, tasks community platforms (twitter, facebook, vimeo), initial development of class on P2PU. - development of modest links with US and Malysian Universities, Academics and Professionals in the field of Creative Activism
  • Living in a Digital World class - Content Created including the website, with lecture notes, research project and task notes, with community platforms (flicker and Vimeo), significant use of project blogs to curate archives of student generated content which arise from their international research projects. Some of this material is also features on the site of an international research project European Dreamscapes.  
  • Each Open Class is working with a slightly different emphasis, process of content generation and balance of media/platforms; but all students have very actively contributed and participated. This is evidenced within the Open Class sites. The staff have also been very highly engaged with these projects.
  • issues of addressing digital literacy aspects of students when not a feature of course content itself.
  • linking to above - digital identity issue - Getting student groups to present their archives professionally (in terms of layout, design, organisation and visuals) from the outset – this is not a technical but a communications issue – “you are visible” 


  • Students as producers of multiple choice questions is very effective, popular and constructive in terms of encouraging reflective practice.


  • In order to investigate the student creation of OERs the project will create design briefs that will be issued to students as optional summer projects.  During the OER2 SPACE project all students were involved during lesson time and lecturers felt that they would have had more opportunity to develop their skill sets by working with the project if they were free from course pressures.  The plan is to issue design briefs around the creation of promotional material to support dissemination of the project.

Great Writers

  • Our six Student Ambassadors have fully embraced the openness agenda and are truly inspired by the project. We have been impressed by the quality of their outputs, their commitment and the ideas they are generating on a daily basis. They value the opportunity to be involved in a public-facing project which allows them to publish alongside academic contributors. Their contributions can be found on the Wordpress blog.



Students as evaluators and users of OER


  • canvassing students in University of Liverpool School of Engineering - views on collections and how they map to UG and PG curriculum. Also feedback from two groups of students mentioned above. (pt time and full time)


  • Developing student tool for critical evaluation of OER (OER evaluation matrix. Focus groups and a student survey have helped evolve a tool for users to critically evaluate an OER for use in studies. Many of the same questions apply to the evaluation of a text based resource, and this informs us of the information that needs to be provided with OER we produce: Authoritative? Author name and organisational affiliation.;  Currency? Date of publication.; Clarity of purpose? Are learning outcomes stated or the aim / purpose of the resource?
  • Around a quarter of Health and Life Science students have heard the term OER. The term is self-explanatory and therefore is still useful to represent what we want to achieve:
    “Freely available to the public”, “openly available to use”, “education that is open for everyone not just uni”. 
  • Students are overwhelmingly supportive of their lecturers and university sharing their learning materials, and students would be happy to use materials developed by other universities.
  • To encourage student use:
    “More information”, “make them accessible”, “discoverable”.

PARIS project - Nottigham Advantage Award students will evaluate materials

SESAME - We also produced two evaluation questionnaires, one for the tutors who participated in the first pilot and one for students who studied the 11 courses included in the first pilot. These questionnaires collected evaluation data in a number of areas including tools and processes, guidance and supporting materials, training, and user acceptance.  We are in the process of analysing this data.

PublishOER - Planning an event aimed at attracting computer science students and other developers to work with Elsevier sample conten. Student focus groups to tease out attitudes.


The project is planning to provide a Business Management student with an internship.  Through this internship the student will be involved in the testing and dissemination phases of the project.

Great Writers

We advertised for graduate student ‘ambassadors’ to support content collection and generation and 11 interviewees were introduced to OER and Creative Commons during the interview. The six successful candidates have received a full briefing, plus additional support via email when specific queries arise (mostly around the reuse of images).


one of the challenges within the project has been to ensure that there is space for inclusion of the voices of the students and school pupils so that their involvement is not solely within the constraints of activities designed by the teachers. As mentioned earlier, the team are aiming to incorporate children's reflections into the overall methodological approach where project participants are encouraged to respond to reflexive prompts which explore the meanings they attach to OERs and digital literacies. There are a number of both logistic and ethical issues involved when it comes to pupil involvement with OERs; for instance, issues of copyright become even more complex in the school context where issues related to e-safety and e-safeguarding are of key importance and parent permission has to be secured. Accordingly, the team are working on developing guidance which addresses the complexities of ethical issues which emerge in the context of school-based OERs, to be released as part of open textbook.  At the same time, our efforts to incorporate pupils' voices within the project have led to a very positive development, which is the “Digital Bloom” installation being developed in collaboration with Sheffield Children's Festival. The installation will hopefully provide a space for the pupils where they are empowered to share their understandings of digital literacies in a creative way outside of the constraints of prescribed school curriculum. The installation also reflects the efforts of the project team to explore creative and innovative uses of digital literacies in the context of teacher education through the medium of Open Educational Resources.

Opening up a future in Business - students overwhelmed by being filmed so switching to using podcasts of telephone conversations. It has been a learning point that even final year students find it hard to reflect on what they have learnt from placement/work experience on camera. 

FAVOR - students as evaluators


Students as project partners or paid members

PublishOER - appointment of an MRes student to focus on research at Nottingham Vet School.

At interim report stage - The appointment of multiple students as part of the project had not yet been secured, and an alternative of employing one student over the summer had also been discussed.


The project is planning to provide a Business Management student with an internship.  Through this internship the student will be involved in the testing and dissemination phases of the project.

Great Writers

 The Student Ambassadors are proving to be a fantastic asset to the project, producing academic-level content, coordinating school engagement activities, devising a social media campaign and fully embracing the objectives of the project. The rewards we can give in exchange are offering a route to publish their work, working closely with academic supporters of the project, being publicly acknowledged on the site, and providing something that they can use on their CV (I have already been asked to act as a referee for one of the SAs).

Opening up a future in Business

Student interviewer appointed -

It has been very helpful having students within the project team as they have given valuable feedback on what works in the interviews, what material is more interesting etc.  The use of a student interviewer has helped our interviewees keep in mind that the target audience is students.

A consultancy project group of final year business students have been investigating the knowledge of SMEs of students in our target group.  We hope this work will underpin an SME quiz for the site.




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