OER Synthesis and Evaluation / OpenPracticesTechnologies


Page history last edited by Helen Beetham 12 years, 11 months ago

This page is part of the Open Practices briefing paper


OERs and open technologies

UK OER projects were required to deposit records in the Jorum open repository and many also used open institutional repositories to host their original materials. Projects found that open platforms and services such as twitter, youtube and slideshare were critical to making OERs discoverable. OER practitioners are now looking for technologies of open sharing that are extremely useable by mainstream academics.

The importance of Google and other popular commercial sites cannot be underestimated; both in terms of the resources they produce and the expectations that they provide the user. OER repositories are judged in this light and, when this is coupled with an assumption that copyright is of little significance, accounts for the low use of such repositories. (C-SAP Cascade project)

'It needs to be as simple as right-click, save' (PORSCHE project)


Go to the next page in the Open Practices briefing paper: OERs and open scholarship


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