OER Synthesis and Evaluation / UKOER phase 3 evaluation framework

UKOER phase 3 evaluation framework

Page history last edited by Lou McGill 11 years, 10 months ago

UKOER 3 - Evaluation Framework 



Focus area

Evaluation question

Project evidence

Culture and practice - how practice is changing among OER stakeholders (teachers, learners, support staff, other sectors), and how practice change is being enabled and supported


What does the phrase "open practices" mean for you and your project? What open practices have you observed among your stakeholders?


Adoption of open practices

What enablers and barriers have you identified to the adoption of open practices by your stakeholders, and in what ways have you addressed them?


Enablers and Barriers

In what ways has engaging in open partnerships across institutions, organisations or sectors,affected the practices of your stakeholders?

Open partnerships

What means have you used to engage your stakeholders, and in what ways have these been effective?


Practices of different stakeholders

What has been the impact of OER development, release and reuse on the practices of your stakeholders? 

n what ways are the cultures of your stakeholders being challenged, strengthened or changed by the release and use of OER?

By what means have you supported practice change among your stakeholders, and in what ways were these effective?

How has OER release affected the practices of staff running HEA accredited courses or schemes of professional development that meet the UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher education (UK PSF)?


Releasing and using OERs - different OER publishing models, the role of collaborations, technical and hosting issues, discovery and organisation, accessibility, and adaptability of OERs


In what ways have collaborations with partners in the same or other sectors (including commercial publishers) supported the development, collection and release of OERs?


OER release publishing models and Collaboration


Through what means (eg. platform, format, interface) have you made OER available to your stakeholder group?


In what ways (appropriate to your stakeholders) have you organised your OER and guided users through them?



Discovery, Re-use and Accessibility


What measures have you taken to ensure that your OER are accessible to your intended user groups both pedagogically and technically?


In what ways have you tried to ensure that your OER are adaptable for re-use and re-

purposing, and how effective were they?

What means (including publishing models) have you used to make OERs discoverable, and how effective were they?
what range of OERs exist in your area and what gaps are you addressing?

Collections, sectors and subject influences

In what ways have you drawn on existing OER collections in developing and releasing OER?


Collections, sectors and subject influences

In what ways has your particular discipline or sector (eg. FE, NHS, Earth Sciences) has influenced your development and release of OER?
What kinds of OER are being adopted and re-used by your collaborators/partners/stakeholders in other sectors and in what ways are they are being developed and used?
OER being adopted and used

What technical issues have you met in collecting and making OERs available, and how have you addressed them?

Technical/hosting issues


Processes for sustainability - institutional/organisational policies and processes, legal and IPR policies, sustainability


What changes in the policies of your institution or partner organisations have you observed as a result of involvement in OER?

Institutional processes

How has your institution supported staff to adopt open practices?
What institutional enablers and barriers to adoption of open practices have you encountered and how you have addressed them?
What issues have you encountered in developing and sharing collections of OERs across institutional/sectoral boundaries and how have you addressed them?
What institutional issues and challenges have you met in working with another sector or organisation to develop and release OER, and how have you addressed them?
What legal and IPR issues emerged during your project and how did you overcome them?

Legal issues 

How have you, and your partners/collaborators, integrated OER sustainably into curriculum processes?



How have your institution and collaborating organisations ensured embedding and sustainability of open practices?


What has been the effect on sustainability of involving students in the OER developement, release and re-use lifecycle?


What issues have you found over curation of OER collections when working across institutional or sector boundaries and how have you addressed these?


How have you have identified and attempted to meet the priorities of your sector?


Impacts & benefits - benefits, and appreciation of benefits by, stakeholders, institutions, students


How have OERs or the OER release process benefited your stakeholders?

Impact on various stakeholders








How have your stakeholders' appreciation of the benefits of OERs changed through involvement in the project?


What is the impact on teaching staff of OER release and use?


Impact on staff

What has been the impact of OER development and release on the student experience?



Impact on students

In what ways has your approach to OER release and re-use enhanced the profile and reputation of your institution?


Impact on various stakeholders

In what ways other than reputation, have OER release and re-use benefited your institution?

Impact on various stakeholders


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