release Impacts and Benefits

This page is part of Phase2 Release strand synthesis


This section draws together what projects have said and is in mainly in their own words. These findings have been synthesised across into the main report findings pages. Coloured excerpts are from project final reports - bold emphasis is mine (LM) to highlight key points  Learning from WOeRK (Learning from WOeRK final report) | SWAP (SWAP Final report) |  TIGER (TIGER Final Report) | DHOER (DHOER Final report) | SCOOTER (SCOOTER Final Project Report)  DeSTRESS (DeSTRESS Final Project Report) | SPACE SPACE final report | LEARNING LEGACIES (Learning Legacies Final Report) ALTO (ALTO Final Report)  | OSIER (OSIER Final Report) | ORBEE (ORBEE Final Report)    | PORSCHE (PORSCHE Final Report)


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What kinds of OERs are being adopted and re-used, and how?

It is very early to identify which of the OERs developed during this phase of activity are being used - although most projects intended to observe and report on this. It seems that most projects underestimated the effort that goes into developing OERs and timescales did not allow much time to evaluate use. Some projects report on anticipated use based on intitial feedback from stakeholders and others have use tracking analytics to generate some information on views and downloads. Most projects have ongoing activities and mechanisms toencourage and promote use. More use is anticipated for some of the disaggregated resources but many projoects felt the need to provide additional pedagogic support or intention. This highlights a focus by many projects on activities around the OERs being as important as the OERs themeselves and their potential to encourage 'pedagocigally infomed use' (SWAP) - ie good learning and teaching practice (open practices). PORSCHE highlighted that student expectation may also have an impact as their use of open resources continues to increase. PORSCHE also found evidence that demand is there (particularly in this economic climate but that there is still a lack of critical mass of OERs at the right level of granularity.

We are going to set it up for staff teams, use in staff development events and Freshers Week…

We’re planning to disseminate amongst FE students, to senior management teams, and use it in induction week for 16-18 year olds.” (Doncaster College) SPACE (simulation 3d environment)

‘We do pride ourselves on trying to disaggregate our materials so that they can, within rather strict learning object definitions, be reused in a variety of settings and courses, making a blend possible without reference to others in a given topic. So perhaps the reverse may be the case where non disaggregated materials find a natural home in repositories, in that they can be selectively used by others as part of their blend’.(Partner progress report) SWAP 

I’m somebody who is supposed to know quite a bit about the technology side, within my School, but I still find it difficult to find open resources to know where to go to find the resources we might want. PORSCHE Evaluation Report

How can OERs be integrated into different curriculum processes of the various partner institutions?

Projects offer an interesting mixture of aopproaches which reflect the different context (either related to sector, student group, discipline). Approaches range from using OERs as tasters to wholesale embedding in modules. Those institutions that have been involved in the projects are demostrating a willingness to use and adapt resources and have also evidenced change in how they plan and deliver curricula. See also Release Practice Change  

HE in FE

 Very, gives students an understanding of the issues of pollution congestion and will make them aware and want to be Green”

Very with some adaptation for level 2 could fit in to my units

Can be useful adapted to fit other cities involved in the Games

“This would be used as part of a module introduction

OCW publishing model

Pedagogic wrappers

Non traditional learners

“[WBL] shifts the balance whereby the academic facilitates the learning in a very different way. So OER allow us to continue that shift, because learners sitting wherever – in Wrigleys, in a cafe – can access a range of resources suited to his or her own workplace. It's about democratising education”. (Learning from WOeRK OER developer) Learning from WoERK

“So the content is reflective activities a lot of the time – it's guidance, it's reflection, it's structuring of their work-based activities. So it's got to be applicable in a wide range of different contexts.” (Learning from WOeRK OER developer) Learning from WoERK

What is the impact on student experience?

Alot of this is actually anticipated impact and reflects original motivations - OERs are clearly seen as supporting a flexible curriculum and non-traditional learners including remote, part time and distance learners

“You can set up scenarios with health and safety hazards in and the student can try to spot them.” (HE stakeholder) SPACE
“Students don’t spend a lot of time thinking about all the different items they will need on stage and how they will put them together. This resource might speed up the process and is better than drawing, some of them don’t like drawing and their drawings aren’t very accurate sometimes. Technicians get frustrated with them sometimes, the students don’t communicate effectively with the production office so if they could do this better everyone would benefit.” (HE stakeholder) SPACE

“The website is a great way of refreshing my memory of my IPE experiences. It places huge amount of information that we have gained in a short amount of time in a place that can be easily accessed and referred to over and over again. I learn well by repetition and reading, so this is ideal for me.” [S2-Notes, Pilot 2]Students considered the resources useful for both their learning and work. They could see themselves using the resources before, after or during the face-to-face IPE events, and in practice.  TIGER

‘It’s user friendly, very quick and easy to familiarise yourself with’ ‘It’s good that the homepage hasn’t been flooded with needless tabs and features’  ‘I like the layout, it’s easy to find things, I like the tabs along the sides and it’s very easy to navigate’ ‘I particularly like the resource by tag.  It might be a bit hard to find slightly unusual things otherwise...and the search is pretty good’ ‘I like that there are all sorts on there – texts, lectures, video and so on, it’s good to have a variety of approaches’ ‘It seems self - explanatory, the order of the documents, presentations and so on makes sense’ ‘We liked the core, specialist and future skills; this makes very good sense to people in the workplace’

‘Yes, I think I would use ORBEE if I had a particular piece of coursework, maybe I could use it in work as well’  ‘For me, it’s handy, it’s all there.  I don’t need to go into Uni for any of it – it would be especially good if you were working away.  And you don’t have to go into a specific portal like you do to get at your Uni’s journals and so on; it’s all there on the net’ ‘You could get it on your phone, I tried it, it works

‘It’s good that a lot of it’s in Word, so you aren’t messing about with un - pdf - ing’ ORBEE

 ‘It’s not too’s friendly enough’

 ‘It seems to cater for all needs, and it’s not very teachy’ ORBEE

Non-traditional learners

“If this means that we can get our students working in a virtual space, rather than them having to access the actual performance space, then that’s a massive win for us.” (FE stakeholder) SPACE

“It’ll be great for our apprenticeships, which are delivered remotely. They’ll be able to deliver it as part of their e-portfolio. Especially if they are able to animate their project, using Quicktime etc.” (FE stakeholder) SPACE

“Learners can access a curriculum which is more flexible, visible, tailored, blended and integrated with real life experience, which allows them to integrate learning and work and which can provide a bridge into university from work-based or informal learningCampus-based learners can also benefit (e.g. via Plymouth Award) from reflecting on experiences outside of their course, via these materials.”

“The type of people who this was originally aimed at are people who need access in a free way, they need it on their mobile devices, they are also people who are skilled in the workplace and can source what they need in various places. If it were locked down we would disenfranchise those types of learner.” (Project Director)

“I think these materials could be used to support the student experience, volunteering, the Plymouth Award. Especially full-time students here, I think there's an opportunity to let them experience the world of work, and of volunteering, via these resources.”  (Learning from WOeRK OER Developer) Learning from WOeRK

‘Distance learners?  We might as well all be distance learners, I mean, there’s 40 in a class, you get very little chance to ask the tutor much – if anything. Their availability is very limited.  It would be great to use something like this instead’

‘The most likely types of students to benefit from ORBEE would be those who are working full - time [but not supported by an employer or probably not doing work relevant to their degree]...they might struggle to get to libraries or simply to find good resources. A part-time student might find this a little less of use as they will have resources in such as libraries that are easily accessible’ ORBEE

‘It’s very helpful that you can view it from anywhere, at work, at home. I think this would be good for all kinds of students, full - time, part - time, distance, all of them’

‘The way it’s set up is good for the distance learner, maybe those that haven’t done higher education before particularly because it’s easy to follow, but does lead you to a certain point’

Students as producers of content

What is the impact on staff of release and use?

Impact of the process

Raising awareness emerged as the most immedicate benefit for staff involved in the projects. Awareness of creative commons and issues around copyright was noted by many staff. Of note is the fact that several staff saw the engagement of OER as having impact on enhanced quality of learning resources. The notion of people involved in projects already being key change agents or champions of technology enhanced learning was also noted.

I knew we would get lots from our involvement, which we did. The fact that was done has been incredibly useful for us and we need to go on drive it forward. PORSCHE Evaluation report

“On a local level there has already been evidence of transformation within institutional policy and a commitment towards the OER ethos. Sector policy is also being influenced through engagement with the key stakeholders: HEA, JISC and CAIPE.” TIGER

Digital literacies - OER literacies

Projects identified skillsets and areas of knowldge necessary to effecively release OERs but also celebrated increased literacies of staff involved in projects, particularly in relation to copyright and technical issues, but also in developing their learning design capabitilites and impacting on teaching practice

“The thing for me is the online aspect, which I have very little experience of. I deliver WBL face to face, so for me it has been brilliant to work this way. I very much believe in OER, but working with [technical team members] has been brilliant to develop these e-skills.” (Learning from WOeRK OER developer) Learning from WOeRK

“Originally I thought it would just be 'my lecture notes on the web' but it's all the thinking that goes on behind that. When you lecture you could talk for ten minutes about a single quote that you might have on a slide. But when you're using it as open learning materials, you have to articulate that narrative, that audio that runs alongside it. That shows you the thought process that goes into the teaching that you do. Until you actually verbalise and record it, you don't realise that it's an art rather than a science.”

“I've designed some new exercises just for e-learning... Face-to-face I'd be there reacting to their answers, but you can't have that. I still want them to think it through, though, and I decided to give them some direction in terms of providing model answers. So I gave that quite a lot of thought.” (Learning from WOeRK OER developers) Learning from WOeRK

Multi-disciplinary collaboration - cross team working

Recognition and reward

Access to OERs

This relates being able to contribute towards making things accesible to having increased access through project activites

How do the OERs or OER release process benefit various stakeholders (including industry and subject community outside project teams?

As well as offering high profile opportunities for enagement with OERs the external instititons also benefit from awareness raising, of OERs and the open movement, more understanding of current teaching practice in their field, aligning OERs with sector needs, the opportunity to input to content and design and influence curriculum development, the opportunity to input at a strategic level to academic institutions, the development of new networks and partnerships, using the resources themselves on their own propotional activities.

“I have already started using this resource with our Sabbatical team, and intend to cascade to students as appropriate demand comes in, when they return”.(SU Training Manager, August 2011) Learning from WOeRK 

“...the bigger organisations always seem to get the knowledge. The smaller organisations, the SMEs, don't. This opens the door to them getting the knowledge... [And] economic growth, recovery and so on... is going to come from the SMEs.”  (Learning from WOeRK OER developer)

“The OERs are a valuable additional tool for learning and development in organisations.” (Project consultant and former Investors in People Advisor)

 “We liked the idea of a sharing site where members could upload and own the contents, and we liked the fact it was accessible to users, and that it was free. It's all good ... I am thinking about setting up another group for my carers to access and that too is very exciting!!!! Thank you muchly, Swapbox is brilliant” (E-interview with social services manager, 23 June 2011) SWAP

You broker the exchange. It makes the whole process easier and faster. You bring together the opportunities. [You] people are key to getting relationships working. PORSCHE Evaluation Report

Unexpected impacts


Do the OERs support/enhance/promote the subject to staff and students?

“There is quite a range of resources…some are just course documents and I wasn’t sure about the value of those – but when I looked closely at them it was useful to see how people structure their courses. People teaching the same subject take different angles.”

“What I like is the mix of resources – practice-based for class teaching, materials for new teachers etc…it makes the site so rich, so useful. I will strongly recommend the site to my networks.”

A comment recorded in an open text field in the online survey read: “[it is] helpful to see what others are doing in the field.” OSIER