Release Cultural Issues

This page is part of Phase2 Release strand synthesis


This section draws together what projects have said and is in mainly in their own words. These findings have been synthesised across into the main report findings pages. Coloured excerpts are from project final reports - bold emphasis is mine (LM) to highlight key points  Learning from WOeRK (Learning from WOeRK final report) | SWAP (SWAP Final report) |  TIGER (TIGER Final Report) | DHOER (DHOER Final report) | SCOOTER (SCOOTER Final Project Report)  DeSTRESS (DeSTRESS Final Project Report) | SPACE SPACE final report | LEARNING LEGACIES (Learning Legacies Final Report) ALTO (ALTO Final Report)  | OSIER (OSIER Final Report) | ORBEE (ORBEE Final Report)    | PORSCHE (PORSCHE Final Report)



How are existing academic/subject discipline cultures being challenged, strengthened, contested, changed, etc. In releasing and using OERs

Many of the projects reported significant gains in staff understanding, confidence and skills which was seen as significant in changing culture. Increased awareness and capabilities had impact on practice - see Release Practice Change. New partnerships and collaborative experiences were noted as significant for  both subject communities and institutions. Cross institutional working fostered culture change through sharing of resources and practice, whilst employer engagement was seen as critical for some projects. Cultural change was also noted in curriculum development.

“I've found it great working across faculties, but there's still a struggle over things like admin. [We should be] sharing those efficiencies...” 

“This has helped us to re-establish some of the good working relationships we had.” [when two schools were more closely aligned in the University structure]

“[employers] can pick up the modules and credits but we can individualise it so it becomes something that is bespoke to that organisation. That I think is what's useful about the partnership arrangement.” (Learning from WOeRK Academic Leads)

“In terms of new materials I'm producing I can now easily see that these could turn into an OER. It's given me the confidence to develop for a wider audience and to develop differently.”

“I think it's a great experience to master the technology, create a format that works, and really get slick with doing it. It's moving into another domain in terms of producing learning and getting the messages across.” Learning from WOeRK