OER Synthesis and Evaluation / SubjectDisciplines


Page history last edited by Lou McGill 12 years ago


Based on HE Academy Subject Centre headings - UKOER projects mapped to discipline. The listing of a project under the heading does not mean that the HE Academy Subject Centre was involved in the project (although it may have been). This table intends to show which subject areas have already been addressed by UKOER projects. The links take you to the main project website which should should also point to actual OER. The final row of the table includes some additional areas: generic skills, employability and CPD.



  • SCORE fellowship project:
  • Exploring visual aspects of OERs and their relevance to practices of repurposing/reusing SCORE fellowship project: Developing Students as OER Content Scavengers


 Archaeology and Classics


 Art and Design


  Biological Sciences



 Built Environment


 Business and Management


 Cinematics and Photography

  • COMC Coventry Open Media Classes


 Computer Science











 Finance and Accounting


 Geography Earth and Environmental Sciences






Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism



  • FAVOR Finding a Voice through Open Resources
  • SCORE fellowship project: Community building and user engagement: developing the potential of LORO to promote quality in the teaching and learning of languages







Mathematics Statistics and OR


Media and Communications


Medicine and Dentistry


Music Dance and Drama





Philosophical and Religious Studies

Open Spires


Physical Sciences





  • SCORE fellowship project: Teaching Statistics in Psychology (Re-use of existing OER material for teaching statistics, re-packaged and tailored to individual “learning styles”.)


Social Work and Social Policy




Veterinary Medicine

SCORE fellowship project: OER policy, practice and rights (includes case study in vet med)

Generic skills





Continuing  Professional Development





  • SCORE fellowship project: TOUCANS Project - Testing the OER University Concept and Aspirations: a National Study (relates to developing an open curriculum with flexible pathways and related assessment and accreditation) 
  • SCORE fellowship project: Promoting engagement with and re-use of OER in teaching and learning in HE (learning design from the demand side)
  • SCORE fellowship project: OER policy, practice and rights
  • SCORE fellowship project: EVOL-OER:  the evolution of OERs
  • SCORE fellowship project: Sharing Practice with ITunes U Digital Educational Resources (SPIDER)
  • SCORE fellowship project: Sustainable relationships between universities and vocational OER users
















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