OER Synthesis and Evaluation / Synthesis and Evaluation Frameworks

Synthesis and Evaluation Frameworks

Page history last edited by Lou McGill 11 years, 9 months ago

Framework documents

Several different frameworks have been used to support project evaluation and synthesis of key messages and evidence.  The frameworks were developed during the Pilot Phase and will continue to be adapted to reflect issues relevant to the wider programme.

Generic Framework

This framework identifies issues and questions about OER Release which shaped the pilot programme and that were raised by the projects as they progressed. This framework was offered to the projects to help them identify their evaluation questions and how they might answer them. It also informs the final pilot programme synthesis framework

Strand frameworks

These three strand frameworks were developed from the generic framework and mapped to each of the projects in that strand. These were shared with projects and many projects used them to map their activities and final outcomes and outputs. These stand frameworks fed back into the generic framework and also in the final Pilot programme synthesis framework (Final versions of these to be added when complete)

Pilot programme synthesis framework

This is the final synthesis framework for the pilot programme and includes outcomes. As project outputs emerge which illustrate and evidence the outcomes these will be added as links.


Some projects utilised the framework to support their evaluation activities and some included a project specific version in their final reporting.

Unicycle Project evaluation framework (Leeds Metropolitan University)

Appendix G of OTTER Project final report (University of Leicester)

OpenSpires own evaluation framework (University of Oxford)

Simshare propject final report ( UK Centre for Legal Education)

Phase 2 programme synthesis framework 

This is the final synthesis framework for phase 2 activites and invludes links to cross strand and individual strand evidence.


Some projects utilised the framework to support their evaluation activities and some included a project specific version in their final reporting.

PORSCHE Evaluation Report (appendix in final report) (MEDEV)

OSIER Final Report 

UKOER phase 3 evaluation framework

This is the framework used to support phase 3 of the programme.



Short URL: http://bit.ly/UKOERframework









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