OER Synthesis and Evaluation / Pilot Phase Institutional Strand Synthesis

Pilot Phase Institutional Strand Synthesis

Page history last edited by Lou McGill 14 years, 3 months ago

Seven institutions were funded to openly (free for use and repurposing) release their existing learning resources. Resources included - but was not limited to - course materials, reading lists, student generated content, images and other multimedia, learning objects, electronic learning activities, and recordings and supporting materials from lectures, workshops, and presentations. Projects were expected to release at least the equivalent of one undergraduate course (360 credits).


Institutional Strand synthesis - Lou McGill

Visual mapping

As there are only seven projects in this strand it is 'just' possible to attempt to represent the strand synthesis visually... right click on the image to view and then zoom in to see the detail. This large map has been broken down in the appropriate sections of the institutional synthesis pages...



OER Synthesis and Evaluation framework

A separate version of the generic framework was developed to share with the Institutional Strand Projects. This went through several iterations throughout the year and projects were asked to engage with it at approrpiate intervals.

The versions are available here:



Some projects utilised the framework to support their evaluation activities and some included a project specific version in their final reporting.

Unicycle Project evaluation framework (Leeds Metropolitan University)

Appendix G of OTTER Project final report (University of Leicester)

OpenSpires own evaluation framework University of Oxford

These pages are taken from the final version of the strand synthesis framework. Each page includes a mixture of summary paragraphs and actual excerpts from project documentation.

Institutional Strand - OER release

Institutional Strand - Developing, managing and sharing OERs

Institutional Strand - Guidance and support mechanisms

Institutional Strand - Business cases and benefits realisation

Institutional Strand - Cultural issues

Institutional Strand - Institutional issues - strategy, policy and practice

Institutional Strand - Legal issues

Institutional Strand - Technical and hosting issues

Institutional Strand - Quality issues

Institutional Strand - Pedagogy and end use issues

Institutional Strand - Learners and other stakeholders

Institutional Strand - Programme issues

Institutional Strand Project Recommendations


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