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A framework tool provided a strong foundation and common language for collating data from projects. The framework allows us to structure our interventions with projects, and was also used a means of evaluating the 'openness' of their outcomes. The framework was developed in collaboration with both projects and the support teams during the pilot phase of the programme.
Evaluation activities which address how different communities and cultures are progressing towards openness in their shared practice. These utilise mixed methods to examine social, technical, pedagogical and legal / organisational issues, and provide a synthesis account detailing barriers and opportunities for change.
The synthesis reports include recommendations to funders and to the stakeholders represented in the programme, and a versions of the framework tool for use by the sector to audit progress towards more open practices around educational resources.
A cumulative evaluation and synthesis of the entire HEFCE funded intervention in OER - which includes all phases of UKOER and the Open University SCORE activities.
This included:
Retrospective re-evaluation of the findings from phases 1 and 2, to include the gathering of further data from projects beyond their funded life.
Evaluation of currently active SCORE supported work, using a methodology compatible with the core UKOER methodology.
Retrospective evaluation of SCORE supported work, and the incorporation of this into the core UKOER methodology.
A cumulative synthesis of findings from the above strands and the parallel evaluation/synthesis of UKOER phase 3, and the presentation of this in formats suitable for researchers, policy-makers and a general audience.
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